“Nisasala Rathree” Nativity Play – SLAASC Christmas Party, December 2012
December 13th, 2012“Nisasala Rathree” Nativity Play – SLAASC Christmas Party, December 2012
This nativity play was directed by Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka and it was staged on December 01, 2012 at the Christmas party held by the Sri Lanka America Association of Southern California (SLAASC). The young kids who are acting in the play are all amateurs and they were trained by Bhadraji with the short time available.
Songs, lyrics and music for this play are also by Bhadraji Mahinda Jayatilaka. Kalyani Markalanda and Eranthi Jayawardena were the playback singers along with Bhadraji while Kusumal Silva helped with the violin. Kusumal also managed music and sounds for this nativity play. Costumes for the play were designed and made by Kalyani Markalanda (‘Salu Creations’ of California).
The SLAASC Christmas Party 2012 was held at Knights of Columbus Hall in Winnetka, California.